Numeryx awarded Label France Cybersecurity 2024


Rédigé par colas Bonvicini , 1 March 2024

We are pleased to announce that the jury for the Label France Cybersecurity has decided to award the LABEL FRANCE CYBERSECURITY 2024, to NUMERYX for the ASGUARD solution, our new-generation firewall.

TheACN – Alliance pour la Confiance Numérique (Alliance for Digital Confidence) has awarded us this label for our ASGUARD sovereign cybersecurity solution, a guarantee of quality and recognition in France and in the world of cybersecurity.

This is the second time we have received an ACN label, since we also received the Cybersecurity Made In label in 2023 Europe™️.

The “France Cybersecurity” label is a guarantee for users that the products and services bearing the label are French, with clear, well-defined functionalities and a level of quality attested by an independent jury.

To find out more about the label awarded to our new-generation ASGUARD firewall, visit SASYX, NUMERYX’s brand dedicated exclusively to cybersecurity.

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