Computer engineer, a job with a future!


Rédigé par colas Bonvicini , 12 August 2022

IT engineering is a booming profession, attracting more and more students. Although the term IT engineer is not really a profession in itself, but rather a function, it encompasses multiple specialties such as network deployment, software development and computer engineering.

It’s worth noting that it’s in the larger departments that the IT engineer’s specializations are most numerous, whereas in the smaller departments, the job requires greater versatility. From development and maintenance of software and IT applications, to coding, design and administration, the IT engineer in an SME is literally a Swiss Army knife, often involved in a wide range of company activities.

In IT engineering, there are several categories of jobs: information systems engineer, industrial IT engineer, network and telecoms engineer, multimedia engineer or software development engineer. What are these jobs and what kind of salaries do they offer?

Computer engineers work in a variety of fields:

Information Systems Engineers

Systems engineers can work in corporate IT departments, in ESN (Entreprise de Services Numériques) or in public administrations.

Developing, integrating and updating software adapted to the company’s organization, as well as ensuring system maintenance, are all part of a systems engineer’s day-to-day work. In smaller organizations, they also manage networks.

The systems engineer profession requires in-depth technical knowledge of system architectures, operating systems (OS) and database management.

He or she must demonstrate excellent interpersonal and organizational skills, to ensure coordination within technical teams, communicate about his or her work and evangelize information to users. The technical environment is also highly fluid, requiring a high degree of adaptability.

Network and Telecom Engineer

The job of choice for New Information and Communication Technologies enthusiasts, it’s all about developing communication techniques by telephone, internet and any other form of network.

Industrial Computing Engineers

This type of engineer is responsible for the design, development and maintenance of a production plant’s machinery. They generally work in an industrial company (agri-food, automotive, aeronautics, etc.), in an ESN or in a software and hardware development workshop, design office or test laboratory.

Whether a technician or an engineer, they take part in the design, installation, testing and maintenance of software used to control automated machines. They continually improve and enhance the reliability of existing equipment.

Computer engineers include :

Internet and Multimedia Engineers

An IT specialist has an eye for detail and a flair for organization and design. They work in a variety of fields: image, referencing, navigation, etc. Their mission is to design, develop and optimize multimedia products.

Software Development Engineers

These include DevOps engineers. This very popular job combines two functions: developer and administrator. This profession is there to blur the boundary between development and production teams.

The result is faster, more agile development and operation. The number of job vacancies for DevOps engineers has been growing rapidly recently. There are also profiles for DevSecOps engineers, who ensure that a company’s network and IT infrastructure are free of security breaches. Responsible for development cycles in continuous integration/deployment mode, they carry out a variety of tasks, including monitoring processes, drafting risk analyses, managing incidents and maintaining the company’s external and internal IT systems and networks.

There are many other specialties to be found in the digital professions. This is due to the constant evolution and development of the world of information technology and its day-to-day use within companies.

Numeryx Technologies is one of the dynamic players on the French digital market. To develop your career or to call on the expertise of our specialists, don’t hesitate to contact us.

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