NUMERYX is a trusted service provider for cybersecurity subsidies granted to VSEs and SMEs


Rédigé par colas Bonvicini , 8 April 2024

NUMERYX has been awarded the “France Cyber Security” label by the Alliance pour la Confiance Numérique (ACN), which enables us to act as a trusted cybersecurity supplier and enable you to benefit from the following schemes: “Cyber Diagnosis” and “Cyber Investment”.

In this article, you’ll find out about the various grants awarded by the Île-de-France region to help very small businesses (VSEs) and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Grants to finance cybersecurity for VSEs and SMEs

There are two types of financial aid available to help you with your cybersecurity expenses as a VSE or SME. These are the “Cyber Vouchers”. These grants from the Île-de-France region are designed to help small businesses become more resilient in the face of cyber-attacks.

1- Cyber Diagnostic Check

The Cyber Diagnosis voucher is a grant from the Île-de-France region, worth up to €5,000.

This cyber check can finance various projects related to your organization’s cybersecurity, just as it may not cover certain more specific needs.

Expenditure already financed by the IDF region or another public body is not eligible.

Find out more about the possibilities and impossibilities of financing with the Cyber Diagnostic voucher.

2- Cyber Investment Cheque

The Cyber Investment Cheque is a grant from the Île-de-France region that can be worth up to €2,500 for very small businesses, and up to €10,000 for SMEs.

Find out more about the possibilities and impossibilities of the Cyber Investment Cheque.

Associations eligible for cybersecurity grants from the Île-de-France region

We have specified this for Très Petites Entreprises (VSEs) and Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (SMBs), but the two e-vouchers presented above can also be offered to associations governed by the French law of 1901 and having an economic activity, under the same conditions as VSEs and SMBs.

These grants are not cash advances. They are intended to relieve eligible organizations of their cybersecurity operating costs, which have been included in the company’s expenses. .

Cyber Diagnostic or Cyber Investment vouchers – which to choose?

The Cyber Diagnosis voucher covers cybersecurity expenses related to cybersecurity audits, while the Cyber Investment voucher covers the implementation of cybersecurity measures or solutions in your organization.

Is it possible to combine the Cyber Diagnosis voucher with the Cyber Investment voucher?

It is perfectly possible to combine the two grants.

The conditions of eligibility vary slightly between these two grants, but what they have in common is that the services provided to your organization must be carried out by a third party in the Paris region who has been accredited by a recognized player, such as NUMERYX, with the Label France Cybersecurity.

Find out more about Chèque Diagnostic Cyber and Chèque Investissement Cyber on the SASYX website

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